Thoughts . . .
Measure your life by loss and not by gain.
not by the wine drunk but by the wine poured forth.
For love's strength is found in love's sacrifice,
and he who suffers most has most to give.
Dad, when the prison door closes behind me, keep me trusting in You with complete and overflowing joy.
Give Your work through me great success, and even in prison make me " free indeed". It is through my trials and afflictions that God gave me fresh revelations of Himself.
A little bird i am
shut from the fields of air,
and in my cage i sit and sing
to Him who placed me there;
well pleased a prisoner to be,
because my God it pleases Thee.
My cage confines me round,
freely i cannot fly,
but though my wings are closely bound
My soul is at liberty.
For prison walls cannot control
the flight or freedom of the soul.
Do not be anxious about anything. Phil 4:6
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