Sunday, March 06, 2005

Daddy and His Little Girl 1

LittleGirl: O love, that wilt not let me go
I rest my weary soul in Thee
I give Thee back the life i owe
That in Thine ocean depths
its flow may richer fuller be

Daddy: Have no fear for I have paid your ransom. I have called you by my Name and you are My Own.

Little Girl: Take my love _ my God, I pour at Your feet its treasure store..

Daddy: Cast all your cares on Me, for you are My charge(1Pr 5:7). Have no anxiety, but in everything make your request be made known to Me(Phil 4:6).and I bid you to put away anxious thoughts (Mt. 6:25). My child, i want your all. I want the whole way.

Little Girl: Dad, forgive me for I am clogged with wishes of my own. My desires are wrong and should be plucked out. I have to love what You command and desire what You promise through prayer and obedience.I will not offer to You whole offerings that cost me nothing, Lord here's my heart. I count everything sheer loss because all is far outweighed by the gain of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake i did in fact lose everything.

Daddy: If your heart is set to do My will, you don't need to fear defeat. My promise of guidance will be fully counted upon. I will teach you and guide you in the way you should go. I will keep you under My eye. Do not behave like horse or mule, unreasoning creatures whose course must be checked with bit and bridle. Many are the torments of the ungodly but the unfailing love enfolds him (her) who trusts in the Me. Rejoice in Me and be Glad ..

Little Girl: Thou shall show me the path of life and hold up my goings in Your paths that my footsteps slip not.


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